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Bridging the Gap with the Global Markets Programme: An Award-Winning Journey Towards Certification
GFSI is dedicated to promoting food safety in every corner of the industry, from the biggest multinationals to the small to medium-sized enterprises that form the backbone of the supply chain. These SMEs can benefit from the Global Markets Programme, a stepwise guide to building food safety capability on the pathway to certification.
Every year, GFSI conducts an international search for exemplary companies leveraging this programme, four of which receive recognition at the annual Global Markets Awards, made possible through the generous support of greenfence. The winners receive an expenses-paid invitation to the GFSI Conference, as well as a lifetime membership to a growing group of passionate GFSI ambassadors.
This week on the GFSI Experts Series, GFSI’s Mia Masson speaks to one of the most recent inductees to this group of ambassadors, Javier Torres of Alfa Argentina. Alfa Argentina takes a creative approach to ingredient supply, tailoring customised solutions for each client. Javier explained how the Global Markets Programme helped the company to build a structured food safety management system without compromising that creativity. Watch his post-awards ceremony interview on GFSI Youtube, or read the transcript below.
Mia: Javier, how do you feel about winning the 2019 Global Markets Awards?
Javier: The Global Markets Awards is about the journey we did and how we did it. We’re very proud to be recognised for the way we work, and not just for results.
Mia: How does winning this award impact you and your company?
Javier: It’s very encouraging to have been recognised with this award. Of course, we got access to new clients, bigger clients, through the programme.
Mia: Can you tell me a little bit about yourself and your company?
Javier: I’m the technical manager for Alfa Argentina. I’m in charge of R&D, quality and food safety. At Alfa Argentina, we like to supply solutions to our clients. We develop solutions tailor-made for them. In the ingredients division, we provide all kinds of ingredients for the industry.
Mia: Could you talk a little bit about the benefits of the Global Markets Programme from GFSI?
Javier: When the gap is too big, you need some tools to help you cut it into pieces. And that’s the Global Market is about.
Mia: Do you face any particular challenges in your regional market?
Javier: The biggest challenge we faced was about culture. We have a culture of solving things in a creative way, spontaneously, and that’s very good, but we need to blend that with procedures and a structured system.
Mia: What message or advice would you give to the future applicants of the Global Markets Awards?
Javier: Just be honest in your applications. If you work hard and you show it, I’m sure you will do great.
Mia: Would you recommend the Global Markets Programme to other operations in your region that are struggling to become certified?
Javier: Yes, of course. In fact, we already have recommended it. We have close contacts with technicians at our clients, and they are interested in this kind of project.
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Bridging the Gap with the Global Markets Programme: An Award-Winning Journey Towards Certification
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